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Ron Paul SLAMS Senator Lindsey Graham on NDAA Support During Floor Speech
Ron Paul Slams Lindsey Graham on CNN and says What Does He Have Against Constitution
Graham Supports the National Defense Authorization Act
Ron Paul Responds to Lindsey Graham's statement on CNN (10/14/09)
Sen. Lindsey Graham on the NDAA, Indefinite Detention of American Citizens
Congressman Ron Paul on the House Floor speaking on the NDAA
Sen. Graham Attempts to Defend NDAA, Responding to Sen. Paul (Ron 's Son). Merkley Sets It Straight
Ron Paul Responds To Lindsey Graham On MSNBC
Rand Paul Addresses Lindsey Graham's Comments in South Carolina
Ron Paul - NDAA Floor Speech
Ron Paul Furious About Indefinite Detention Act (NDAA)
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) "The debate between Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham"